Student Wellbeing

The emotional and physical wellbeing of our students is pivotal to their success at school, as adolescents and in their future lives.

The quality of student wellbeing isn’t just measured in the response to a situation once it has occurred but our ability to be proactive; creating an environment, programs and policies that ensure resilience, responsibility, empathy and care.

Cowes Primary School understands this and places the wellbeinge of our students at the very centre of our practices and policies, after all, a student will only flourish and grow within an environment in which they feel safe, valued and confident.

Rock and Water, Student Mediation, Buddy Program and a focus on Mindfulness are just some of the programs our team has developed to ensure our students are not only nurtured but are delivered the tools they need to develop their own techniques to manage the sometimes difficult situations that life will throw at them.

David Kelsey

Wellbeing Teacher